Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Medical Updates: The Magic Number!!!!!

So over the weekend I noticed that Trenton was not eating as well as he had been and also sweating with his feeds. He also seemed extra congested and like he was having a hard time breathing. So I called the Cardiologist on Monday AM and he asked me to have him seen by the Pediatrician. Who in turn spoke directly to the Cardio. So he was seen and had an Xray, which daddy did with him. (Thankfully) and we found that he had fluid built upin his lungs. So, The Cardiologist upped his Lasik medication to 3 times a day and added another medication. This one is Capitrol. It's a blood pressure medication and will help his heart pump a little better and reduce the fluid going into his lungs from his heart.
We then went to see the Cardio on Tuesday for another check and to get the medications. We talked about proceeding to surgery and the fact is we will proceed after our next Cardio appt which is May 19th. SO...It seems to be on the calendar for right around the middle of June. I'm scared again all over realizing that it's coming up so quickly. Part of me wants to have it done today and get it over with. While the rest of me never wants it to ever have to happen. The daily stress of waiting is taking it's toll on me. And the daily worry of the actual surgery is gut wrenching. Getting it done and over with and getting him healthy is our main priority in life these days.
A few things in the good news department from Monday is that he is now at the Magic number of 4 Kilos!!! They want babies to reach that weight so that they do much better on the heart bypass machine. Theat's when they can feel confident of the machines ability to do what it needs to do without damage during the surgery. Dr. Funari said....All the rest of the weight he gains is icing on the cake!!!!
Another positive that came out of this visit...I feel confident. I feel better about my decisions and my ability to see things and react. Kinda like i'm not in the dark now. I know what I'm looking for and know what to do. Maybe it's a false confidence but I'll take it at this point.
And last but not least by any means is that I feel really confident about his Cardiologist, his ability, his knowledge and his level of true caring for his patients. I spoke to him 3 times on Monday on the telephone. From his cell phone. Do you have Dr's that do that? Well, Not me. Until now. That shows me he really does care about his patients. Not just a daily number to him. Him and the Pediatrician are colleeges and friends so they can work together to provide great care for Trenton. And then about the Surgeons and their ability. The new hospital and it's technology. On and on...I feel good knowing that we have a great team around us for Trenton. And I feel some peace in knowing that if this HAS to be done we are in good hands.

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