Sunday, April 19, 2009

Beautiful Sunshine

Yesterday was an amazing day! So beauitful out. I was able to open the windows and let the sunshine in. It was in the 70's and perfectly sunny! Trenton is doing great and so is William. William is so amazing with his baby brother. Everyday it amazes me how wonderful he is with him. He plays and talks to him and his so gentle and loving. Which, if you know William is a tough thing. He's not gentle with anyone. He's a typical pure boy through and through. Trenton slept great last night. up once at 4 and that was it from 11-8 this morning. That was nice.
We saw Dr. Arouse yesterday morning for a recheck on some Petichi that developed on Trenton's face on Friday. They did blood work (Which came back normal) and Dr. Arouse said not to be concerned. I spoke with him at length about Dr. Funari, the Cardiologist, and Trenton's T21 diagnoses. He is very upbeat about the Downs and has assured me that with all the latest interventions and medical break throughs that Trenton will grow up to have a fablous life. I was much more at ease for some reason just talking to him. He's been Will's Pediatrician since birth and I feel he's knowledgable and gives it to you straight. He also said that Dr. Funari is a wonderful Cardio doctor and is young and up to date on all the latest technologies and advancements in Childrens medicine. He said he also personally likes the him. So, thankfully Dr. Arouse was able to talk to me and give me the information that I was needing.
I asked Dr. Arouse to please take over Trenton's care as well. Dr. Sredy was not as positive and encouraging as him (Telling me Trenton would never learn to read or write) and I really want a Doctor who is positive and looking at all the wonderful things that Trenton can do and not his disability. This road is going to be tough enough without a negative force on our team.
So, Dr. Arouse said absolutely, and all I have to do is request to see him when I come into the office with Trenton. So, that's what I will do from now on.
Otherwise, things are going good. Trenton weighs 8lbs even now! WOOT WOOT! He has gained exactly 2 lbs since he left the hospital one month ago. So, Hopefully he will be around 12 lbs or so before they have to do the repair.
And speaking of his repair. I got the Cardiologist report from the office the other day as well. Gives the breakdown of what is wrong and what needs to be repaired. Bascially everything is as we thought. The Complete AVSD, PDA and midly hypopastic Ao Isthmus. Good news is there is no pulmonic valve stenosis. And his heart should be able to be completely repaired with the Open Heart Surgery in June.
Gotta run for now. Daddy is coming home from his fishing trip and we need to get things ready to spend the day with him.

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