Thursday, May 7, 2009

Wonderful Day! Updates on the boys

Big brother William, who was 4 in March had his evaluation done today at OT. William has Autism and we have been in OT, PT, Speech, Sensory integration, on and on. You name it we have done it. I'm happy to report he is doing SUPER. His OT said that in the past 3 months William has excelled 15 months of progress!!!! 15 months!!!! He is now testing at or above age level for all areas. Which is a huge for him and us. We will probably only be enrolled in Ot for another 8 weeks and then he will be released. That means that he will only have Speech 3 times a week. We have our quarterly evaluation with the Psychologist next Monday. And I'm hoping to see the same types of improvements there as well. I'm so proud of him and where he has come. He is really growing into such a big boy. So YAY!!!! William. :)

And today Trenton went to the Peds for his weight check and he is now 9lbs 4oz!!!! How awesome is that? So incredible he is doing so well and gaining good weight. The Dr. said he looks great and his chest sounds great! The medications must be doing some good and hopefully mom is doing good to for him. He has OT today too so we will see where he stands with that. Next week is his 2 month old checkup. OMG!!! 2 months old. I can't believe he's 2 months old already and I can't believe this time has flown so fast.

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