Thursday, May 7, 2009

One More thing on my mind today.

So, I read a post on a down syndrome board I am on the other day. And as I was reading it I couldn't believe this person felt the way they felt. Total despair and shock at their news of the diagnosis of Down Syndrome of their baby yet to be born. The tragedy hit them hard, as it does all of us parents. I felt that too and felt the pain. But it seems so distant now. It has been a short 8 weeks ago that I found out. And it feels like a lifetime ago. The pain and the heartache seems not even real these days. I focus on the heart now and maybe that's the reason. Or maybe it's because it doesn't even matter to me now. I don't know. But I see it so different. I don't feel dispair or sadness when I think of Trenton. I just don't see it. And sometimes when I'm talking to someone and I mention Down Syndrome and they say "I'm sorry" I look at them weird I'm sure. and just say...Sorry? For what? really? I am perfectly happy with my son and honestly given the chance, I wouldn't change him. I would change the fact that he has to have heart surgery, of course. But him...the down syndrome...I wouldn't change it. Because he's perfect the way he is. And he's me, he's his dad, he's us. And I don't want him different. I'm very optomistic about the advantages he has being born when he was. Not like the story I posted before. 50 years ago. And really I feel so blessed by him that I am happy and thankful everyday for that. I don't think there's anything that us parents that are experienced can say to make the pain or the hurt dissapear but I hope all the new parents out there, the ones in despair, and the ones in pain over the diagnosis of down syndrome could know what I know now. That life here in Holland is really, believe it or not, pretty damn nice. :)

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