Monday, June 1, 2009

MIA: Diberticulitis and more

So, I've been missing. I really have tried to keep up but really? Being a SAHM of 2 special needs kids is tough. LOL I really don't have anything to compare it to I must say. I never was a SAHM and never had 2 special needs children. And never had 2 little ones at home at once anyways. But anywho...I had a flar up of the diberticulitis that I didn't know I had. And wound up in the hospital on IV antibiotics for 2 days. Then I spent the next 14 days at home recovering from that mess. Then the adjustment of staying home and everything has really taken it's toll. I've got to run for the day but I just wanted to check in. I'll be back tomorrow for more info!!

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